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Правила SSL

1. Вступ
2. Публікація та обов'язки репозиторія
3. Ідентифікація і аутентіфікація
4. Операційні вимоги життєвого циклу сертифіката
5. Управління, операційний та фізичний контроль
6. Контроль технічної безпеки
7. Сертифікати, CRL та OCSP профілі
8. Аудит відповідності та інші оцінки
9. Інші ділові та юридичні питання

1. Introduction

1.1. Overview
1.2. Document name and Identification
1.2.1. Revisions
1.2.2. Relevant Dates
1.3. PKI Participants
1.3.1. Certification Authorities
1.3.2. Registration Authorities
1.3.3. Subscribers
1.3.4. Relying Parties
1.3.5. Other Participants
1.4. Certificate Usage
1.4.1. Appropriate Certificate Uses
1.4.2. Prohibited Certificate Uses
1.5. Policy administration
1.5.1. Organization administering the document
1.5.2. Contact person
1.5.3. Person determining CPS suitability for the policy
1.5.4. CPS approval procedures
1.6. Definitions and acronyms
1.6.1. Definitions
1.6.2. Acronyms
1.6.3. References
1.6.4. Conventions


ComplianceSection(s)Summary Description (See Full Text for Details)
2013-01-016.1.6For RSA public keys, CAs SHALL confirm that the value of the public exponent is an odd number equal to 3 or more.
2013-01-014.9.10CAs SHALL support an OCSP capability using the GET method.
2013-01-015CAs SHALL comply with the Network and Certificate System Security Requirements.
2013-08-014.9.10OCSP Responders SHALL NOT respond “Good” for Unissued Certificates.
2013-09- SHALL revoke any certificate where wildcard character occurs in the first label position immediately to the left of a “registry-controlled” label or “public suffix”.
2013-12-316.1.5CAs SHALL confirm that the RSA Public Key is at least 2048 bits or that one of the following ECC curves is used: P-256, P-384, or P-521. A Root CA Certificate issued prior to 31 Dec. 2010 with an RSA key size less than 2048 bits MAY still serve as a trust anchor.
2015-01-167.1.3CAs SHOULD NOT issue Subscriber Certificates utilizing the SHA-1 algorithm with an Expiry Date greater than 1 January 2017.
2015-04-016.3.2CAs SHALL NOT issue certificates with validity periods longer than 39 months, except under certain circumstances.
2015-04-152.2A CA’s CPS must state whether it reviews CAA Records, and if so, its policy or practice on processing CAA records for Fully Qualified Domain Names.
2015-11- of Certificates with Reserved IP Address or Internal Name prohibited.
2016-01-017.1.3CAs MUST NOT issue any new Subscriber certificates or Subordinate CA certificates using the SHA-1 hash algorithm.
2016-06-306.1.7CAs MUST NOT issue Subscriber Certificates directly from Root CAs.
2016-06-306.3.2CAs MUST NOT issue Subscriber Certificates with validity periods longer than 39 months, regardless of circumstance.
2016-09-307.1CAs SHALL generate Certificate serial numbers greater than zero (0) containing at least 64 bits of output from a CSPRNG
2016-10- Certificates with Reserved IP Address or Internal Name must be revoked.
2016-12-031 and 2Ballot 156 amendments to sections 1.5.2, 2.3, and 2.4 are applicable
2017-01-017.1.3CAs MUST NOT issue OCSP responder certificates using SHA-1 (inferred).
2017-03- MUST follow revised validation requirements in section
2017-09- MUST check and process CAA records
2018-03-014.2.1 and 6.3.2Certificates issued MUST have a Validity Period no greater than 825 days and re-use of validation information limited to 825 days
2018-05-312.2CP and CPS must follow RFC 3647 format
2018-08- and .5CAs must stop using domain validation methods BR and, stop reusing validation data from those methods

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