Изменение, дополнение Правила выпуска SSL сертификатов Центром сертификации Украина купить сертификат 

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Правила SSL

1. Вступ
2. Публікація та обов'язки репозиторія
3. Ідентифікація і аутентіфікація
4. Операційні вимоги життєвого циклу сертифіката
5. Управління, операційний та фізичний контроль
6. Контроль технічної безпеки
7. Сертифікати, CRL та OCSP профілі
8. Аудит відповідності та інші оцінки
9. Інші ділові та юридичні питання

1. Introduction

1.1. Overview
1.2. Document name and Identification
1.2.1. Revisions
1.2.2. Relevant Dates
1.3. PKI Participants
1.3.1. Certification Authorities
1.3.2. Registration Authorities
1.3.3. Subscribers
1.3.4. Relying Parties
1.3.5. Other Participants
1.4. Certificate Usage
1.4.1. Appropriate Certificate Uses
1.4.2. Prohibited Certificate Uses
1.5. Policy administration
1.5.1. Organization administering the document
1.5.2. Contact person
1.5.3. Person determining CPS suitability for the policy
1.5.4. CPS approval procedures
1.6. Definitions and acronyms
1.6.1. Definitions
1.6.2. Acronyms
1.6.3. References
1.6.4. Conventions

1.2.1. ЗМІНИ

1.0.062Version 1.0 of the Baseline Requirements Adopted22-Nov-1101-Jul-12
1.0.171Revised Auditor Qualifications08-May-1201-Jan-13
1.0.275Non-critical Name Constraints allowed as exception to RFC 528008-Jun-1208-Jun-12
1.0.378Revised Domain/IP Address Validation, High Risk Requests, and Data Sources22-Jun-1222-Jun-12
1.0.480OCSP responses for non-issued certificates02-Aug-1201-Feb-13
--83Network and Certificate System Security Requirements adopted03-Aug-1301-Jan-13
1.0.588User-assigned country code of XX allowed12-Sep-1212-Sep-12
1.1.0--Published as Version 1.1 with no changes from 1.0.514-Sep-1214-Sep-12
1.1.193Reasons for Revocation and Public Key Parameter checking07-Nov-1207-Nov-12
1.1.296Wildcard certificates and new gTLDs20-Feb-1320-Feb-13
1.1.397Prevention of Unknown Certificate Contents21-Feb-1321-Feb-13
1.1.499Add DSA Keys (BR v.1.1.4)3-May-20133-May-2013
1.1.5102Revision to subject domainComponent language in section 9.2.331-May-201331-May-2013
1.1.6105Technical Constraints for Subordinate Certificate Authorities29-July-201329-July-2013
1.1.7112Replace Definition of “Internal Server Name” with “Internal Name”3-April-20143-April-2014
1.1.8120Affiliate Authority to Verify Domain5-June-20145-June-2014
1.1.9129Clarification of PSL mentioned in Section 11.1.34-Aug-20144-Aug-2014
1.2.0125CAA Records14-Oct-201415-Apr-2015
1.2.1118SHA-1 Sunset16-Oct-201416-Jan-2015
1.2.2134Application of RFC 5280 to Pre-certificates16-Oct-201416-Oct-2014
1.2.3135ETSI Auditor Qualifications16-Oct-201416-Oct-2014
1.2.4144Validation Rules for .onion Names18-Feb-201518-Feb-2015
1.2.5148Issuer Field Correction2-April-20152-April-2015
1.3.0146Convert Baseline Requirements to RFC 3647 Framework16-Apr-201516-Apr-2015
1.3.1151Addition of Optional OIDs for Indicating Level of Validation28-Sep-201528-Sep-2015
1.3.2156Amend Sections 1 and 2 of Baseline Requirements3-Dec-20153-Dec-2016
1.3.3160Amend Section 4 of Baseline Requirements4-Feb-20164-Feb-2016
1.3.4162Sunset of Exceptions15-Mar-201615-Mar-2016
1.3.5168Baseline Requirements Corrections (Revised)10-May-201610-May-2016
1.3.6171Updating ETSI Standards in CABF documents1-July-20161-July-2016
1.3.7164Certificate Serial Number Entropy8-July-201630-Sep-2016
1.3.8169Revised Validation Requirements5-Aug-20161-Mar-2017
1.3.9174Reform of Requirements Relating to Conflicts with Local Law29-Aug-201627-Nov-2016
1.4.0173Removal of requirement to cease use of public key due to incorrect info28-July-201611-Sep-2016
1.4.1175Addition of givenName and surname7-Sept-20167-Sep-2016
1.4.2181Removal of some validation methods listed in section
1.4.3187Make CAA Checking Mandatory8-Mar-20178-Sep-2017
1.4.4193825-day Certificate Lifetimes17-Mar-20171-Mar-2018
1.4.5189Amend Section 6.1.7 of Baseline Requirements14-Apr-201714-May-2017
1.4.6195CAA Fixup17-Apr-201718-May-2017
1.4.7196Define “Audit Period”17-Apr-201718-May-2017
1.4.8199Require commonName in Root and Intermediate Certificates9-May-20178-June-2017
1.4.9204Forbid DTPs from doing Domain/IP Ownership11-July-201711-Aug-2017
1.5.0212Canonicalise formal name of the Baseline Requirements1-Sept-20171-Oct-2017
1.5.1197Effective Date of Ballot 193 Provisions1-May-20172-June-2017
1.5.2190Add Validation Methods with Minor Corrections19-Sept-201719-Oct-2017
1.5.3214CAA Discovery CNAME Errata27-Sept-201727-Oct-2017
1.5.4215Fix Ballot 190 Errata4-Oct-20175-Nov-2017
1.5.5217Sunset RFC 252721-Dec-201720-Jan-2018
1.5.6218Remove validation methods #1 and #55-Feb-20189-Mar-2018
1.5.7220Minor Cleanups (Spring 2018)30-Mar-201829-Apr-2018
1.5.8219Clarify handling of CAA Record Sets with no "issue"/"issuewild" property tag10-Apr-201810-May-2018
1.5.9223Update BR Section 8.4 for CA audit criteria15-May-201814-June-2018

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