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Правила выпуска Code Signing сертификатов
для верификации автора и защиты кода от изменения

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Правила CodeSign сертификатов
1. Scope
2. Purpose
3. References
4. Definitions
5. Abbreviations and Acronyms
6. Conventions
7. Certificate Warranties and Representations
7.1Certificate Beneficiaries
7.2 Certificate Warranties
7.3 Applicant Warranty
8. Community and Applicability
8.1 Compliance
8.2 Certificate Policies
8.2.1 Implementation
8.2.2 Disclosure
8.3 Commitment to Comply
8.4 Trust model
9. Certificate Content and Profile
9.1 Issuer Information
9.2 Subject Information
9.2.1 Subject Alternative Name Extension
9.2.2 Subject Common Name Field
9.2.3 Subject Domain Component Field
9.2.4 Subject Distinguished Name Fields
9.2.5 Reserved
9.2.6 Subject Organizational Unit Field
9.2.7 Reserved
9.2.8 Other Subject Attributes
9.3 Certificate Policy Identification
9.3.1 Certificate Policy Identifiers
9.3.2 Root CA Requirements
9.3.3 Subordinate CA Certificates
9.3.4 Subscriber Certificates
9.4 Maximum Validity Period
9.5 Subscriber Public Key
9.6 Certificate Serial Number
9.7 Reserved
9.8 Reserved
10. Certificate Request
10.1 Documentation Requirements
10.2 Certificate Request
10.2.1 General
10.2.2 Request and Certification
10.2.3 Information Requirements
10.2.4 Subscriber Private Key
10.3 Subscriber Agreement
10.3.1 General
10.3.2 Agreement Requirements
10.3.3 Service Agreement Requirements for Signing Authorities
11. Verification Practices
11.1 Verification of Organizational Applicants
11.1.1 Organization Identity and Address
11.1.2 DBA/Tradename
11.1.3 Requester Authority
11.2 Verification of Individual Applicants
11.2.1 Individual Identity
11.2.2 Authenticity of Identity
11.3 Age of Certificate Data
11.4 Denied List
11.5 High Risk Certificate Requests
11.6 Data Source Accuracy
11.7 Processing High Risk Applications
11.8 Due Diligence
12. Certificate Issuance by a Root CA
13. Certificate Revocation and Status Checking
13.1 Revocation
13.1.1 Revocation Request
13.1.2 Certificate Problem Reporting
13.1.3 Investigation
13.1.4 Response
13.1.5 Reasons for Revoking a Subscriber Certificate
13.1.6 Reasons for Revoking a Subordinate CA Certificate
13.1.7 Certificate Revocation Date
13.2 Certificate Status Checking
14. Employees and Third Parties
14.1 Trustworthiness and Competence
14.2 Delegation of Functions to Registration Authorities and Subcontractors
14.2.1 General
14.2.2 Compliance Obligation
14.2.3 Allocation of Liability
15. Data Records
16. Data Security and Private Key Protection
16.1 Timestamp Authority Key Protection
16.2 Signing Service Requirements
16.3 Subscriber Private Key Protection
17. Audit (39)
17.1 Eligible Audit Schemes
17.2 Audit Period
17.3 Audit Report
17.4 Pre-Issuance Readiness Audit
17.5 Audit of Delegated Functions
17.6 Auditor Qualifications
17.7 Key Generation Ceremony
18. Liability and Indemnification
Appendix A - Minimum Cryptographic Algorithm and Key Size Requirements
Appendix B - Certificate Extensions (Normative)
Appendix C - User Agent Verification (Normative)
Appendix D - High Risk Regions of Concern

Appendix A
Minimum Cryptographic Algorithm and Key Size Requirements

Certificates and Timestamp tokens issued after the effective date of these guidelines MUST meet the following requirements for algorithm type and key size.

(1) Code Signing Root, Subordinate CA, and Code Signing Certificates

The table below defines cryptographic requirements for Code Signing Certificates issued within the specified time and their corresponding Root Certificates and Subordinate CA Certificates.

Note: The digest algorithm used to issue the Root Certificate does not have security relevance and need not conform to the requirements in the table below.

Code Signing Certificates issued prior to January 1, 2021and their corresponding Root Certificates and Subordinate CA Certificates Code Signing Certificates issued on or after January 1, 2021 and their corresponding Root Certificates and Subordinate CA Certificates
Digest algorithmSHA-256, SHA-384 or SHA-512 (SHA-1 for legacy implementations only)*SHA-256, SHA-384 or SHA-512
Minimum RSA modulus size (bits)20483072
ECC curveNIST P-256, P-384, or P-521NIST P-256, P-384, or P-521
Minimum DSA modulus and divisor size (bits)L= 2048, N= 224 or L= 2048, N=256L= 2048, N= 224 or L= 2048, N= 256

*CAs can issue SHA-1 certificates to legacy platforms that do not support SHA-2 only for code signing and timestamping certificates.

(2) Timestamp Root, Subordinate CA, and Timestamp Certificates

The table below defines cryptographic requirements for Timestamp Certificates issued within the specified time and their corresponding Root Certificates and Subordinate CA Certificates.

Note: The digest algorithm used to issue the Root Certificate does not have security relevance and need not conform to the requirements in the table below.

Timestamp Certificates issued prior to January 1, 2021 and their corresponding Root Certificates and Subordinate CA Certificates Timestamp Certificates issued on or after January 1, 2021 and their corresponding Root Certificates and Subordinate CA Certificates
Digest algorithmSHA-256, SHA-384 or SHA-512 (SHA-1 for legacy implementations only)*SHA-256, SHA-384 or SHA-512
Minimum RSA modulus size (bits)20483072
ECC curveNIST P-256, P-384, or P-521NIST P-256, P-384, or P-521
Minimum DSA modulus and divisor size (bits)L= 2048, N= 224 or L= 2048, N=256L= 2048, N= 224 or L= 2048, N= 256

*CAs can issue SHA-1 certificates to legacy platforms that do not support SHA-2 only for code signing and timestamping certificates.

(3) Timestamp Tokens

The digest algorithms used to sign Timestamp tokens must match the digest algorithm used to sign the Timestamp Certificate.

Generated prior to January 1, 2021Generated on or after January 1, 2021
Digest algorithmSHA-256, SHA-384 or SHA-512 (SHA-1 for legacy implementations only)*SHA-256, SHA-384 or SHA-512

*CAs can issue SHA-1 certificates to legacy platforms that do not support SHA-2 only for code signing and timestamping certificates. 

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