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Правила выпуска Code Signing сертификатов
для верификации автора и защиты кода от изменения

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Правила CodeSign сертификатов
1. Scope
2. Purpose
3. References
4. Definitions
5. Abbreviations and Acronyms
6. Conventions
7. Certificate Warranties and Representations
7.1Certificate Beneficiaries
7.2 Certificate Warranties
7.3 Applicant Warranty
8. Community and Applicability
8.1 Compliance
8.2 Certificate Policies
8.2.1 Implementation
8.2.2 Disclosure
8.3 Commitment to Comply
8.4 Trust model
9. Certificate Content and Profile
9.1 Issuer Information
9.2 Subject Information
9.2.1 Subject Alternative Name Extension
9.2.2 Subject Common Name Field
9.2.3 Subject Domain Component Field
9.2.4 Subject Distinguished Name Fields
9.2.5 Reserved
9.2.6 Subject Organizational Unit Field
9.2.7 Reserved
9.2.8 Other Subject Attributes
9.3 Certificate Policy Identification
9.3.1 Certificate Policy Identifiers
9.3.2 Root CA Requirements
9.3.3 Subordinate CA Certificates
9.3.4 Subscriber Certificates
9.4 Maximum Validity Period
9.5 Subscriber Public Key
9.6 Certificate Serial Number
9.7 Reserved
9.8 Reserved
10. Certificate Request
10.1 Documentation Requirements
10.2 Certificate Request
10.2.1 General
10.2.2 Request and Certification
10.2.3 Information Requirements
10.2.4 Subscriber Private Key
10.3 Subscriber Agreement
10.3.1 General
10.3.2 Agreement Requirements
10.3.3 Service Agreement Requirements for Signing Authorities
11. Verification Practices
11.1 Verification of Organizational Applicants
11.1.1 Organization Identity and Address
11.1.2 DBA/Tradename
11.1.3 Requester Authority
11.2 Verification of Individual Applicants
11.2.1 Individual Identity
11.2.2 Authenticity of Identity
11.3 Age of Certificate Data
11.4 Denied List
11.5 High Risk Certificate Requests
11.6 Data Source Accuracy
11.7 Processing High Risk Applications
11.8 Due Diligence
12. Certificate Issuance by a Root CA
13. Certificate Revocation and Status Checking
13.1 Revocation
13.1.1 Revocation Request
13.1.2 Certificate Problem Reporting
13.1.3 Investigation
13.1.4 Response
13.1.5 Reasons for Revoking a Subscriber Certificate
13.1.6 Reasons for Revoking a Subordinate CA Certificate
13.1.7 Certificate Revocation Date
13.2 Certificate Status Checking
14. Employees and Third Parties
14.1 Trustworthiness and Competence
14.2 Delegation of Functions to Registration Authorities and Subcontractors
14.2.1 General
14.2.2 Compliance Obligation
14.2.3 Allocation of Liability
15. Data Records
16. Data Security and Private Key Protection
16.1 Timestamp Authority Key Protection
16.2 Signing Service Requirements
16.3 Subscriber Private Key Protection
17. Audit (39)
17.1 Eligible Audit Schemes
17.2 Audit Period
17.3 Audit Report
17.4 Pre-Issuance Readiness Audit
17.5 Audit of Delegated Functions
17.6 Auditor Qualifications
17.7 Key Generation Ceremony
18. Liability and Indemnification
Appendix A - Minimum Cryptographic Algorithm and Key Size Requirements
Appendix B - Certificate Extensions (Normative)
Appendix C - User Agent Verification (Normative)
Appendix D - High Risk Regions of Concern

8. Community and Applicability

8.1 Compliance

The CA and/or all Signing Services MUST, at all times:

1. Comply with all laws applicable to its business and the Certificates it issues in each jurisdiction where it operates,

2. Comply with these Requirements,

3. Comply with the audit requirements set forth in Section 17 of this document, and

4. If a CA, be licensed as a CA in each jurisdiction where it operates, if licensing is required by the law of such jurisdiction for the issuance of Certificates.

If a court or government body with jurisdiction over the activities covered by these Requirements determines that the performance of any mandatory requirement is illegal, then such requirement is considered reformed to the minimum extent necessary to make the requirement valid and legal. This applies only to operations or certificate issuances that are subject to the laws of that jurisdiction. The parties involved MUST notify the Application Software Suppliers of the facts, circumstances, and law(s) involved.

8.2Certificate Policies

8.2.1 Implementation

The CA and its Root CA MUST develop, implement, enforce, display prominently on its Web site, and periodically update its policies and practices, including its Certificate Policy and/or Certification Practice Statement that implement the most current version of these Requirements.

With the exception of revocation checking for time-stamped and expired Certificates, Platforms are expected to validate Code Signatures in accordance with RFC 5280 when first encountered. Subsequent signature validation MAY ignore revocation, especially if rejecting the Code will cause the device to fail to boot. When a Platform encounters a Certificate that fails to validate due to revocation, the Platform should not permit the Code to execute. When a Platform encounters a Certificate that fails to validate for reasons other than revocation, the Platform should treat the Code as unsigned.

Ordinarily, a Code Signature created by a Subscriber is only considered valid until expiration of the Certificate. However, the “Timestamp” method and the “Signing Service” methods permit Code to remain valid for longer periods of time.

1. Timestamp Method: In this method, the Subscriber signs the Code, appends its Code Signing Certificate and submits it to a Timestamp Authority to be time-stamped. The resulting package can be considered valid after expiration of the Code Signing Certificate.

2. Signing Service Method: In this method, the Subscriber uses the service to sign compiled code, binary, file, app, or similar object. Alternatively, the service MAY sign a digest of the preceding objects. The resulting Code Signature is valid up to the expiration time of the Signing Service’s Code Signing Certificate and any applicable revocation date, whichever comes first. Signing Services MAY also timestamp signed objects.

8.2.2 Disclosure

Each CA, including Root CAs, MUST publicly disclose their policies and practices through an appropriate and readily accessible online means that is available on a 24x7 basis. The CA MUST publicly disclose its Certificate Practice Statement and/or Certificate Policies and structure the disclosures in accordance with either RFC 2527 or RFC 3647.

8.3 Commitment to Comply

Each CA MUST give public effect to these Requirements and represent that they will adhere to the latest published version by either (i) incorporating the Requirements directly into their respective

Certification Practice Statements or (ii) by referencing the Requirements using a clause such as the following:

[Name of CA] conforms to the current version of the Minimum Requirements for the Issuance and Management of Publicly-Trusted Code Signing Certificates published at https://aka.ms/csbr. If there is any inconsistency between this document and those Requirements, those Requirements take precedence over this document.

In either case, each CA MUST include a link to the official version of these Requirements. In addition, each CA MUST include (directly or by reference) applicable parts of these Requirements in all contracts with Subordinate CAs, RAs, Signing Services and subcontractors, that involve or relate to the issuance or management of Certificates. CAs MUST enforce compliance with such terms.

8.4 Trust model

Each CA MUST represent that it has disclosed all Cross Certificates in its Certificate Policy/Certificate Practice Statement that identify the CA as the Subject, provided that the CA arranged for or accepted the establishment of the trust relationship (i.e. the Cross Certificate at issue). 

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