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Правила SSL

1. Вступ
2. Публікація та обов'язки репозиторія
3. Ідентифікація і аутентіфікація
4. Операційні вимоги життєвого циклу сертифіката
5. Управління, операційний та фізичний контроль
6. Контроль технічної безпеки
7. Сертифікати, CRL та OCSP профілі
8. Аудит відповідності та інші оцінки
9. Інші ділові та юридичні питання

4. Certificate Life-Cycle Operational Requirements

4.1. Certificate Application
4.1.1. Who Can Submit a Certificate Application
4.1.2. Enrollment Process and Responsibilities
4.2. Certificate application processing
4.2.1. Performing Identification and Authentication Functions
4.2.2. Approval or Rejection of Certificate Applications
4.2.3. Time to Process Certificate Applications
4.3. Certificate issuance
4.3.1. CA Actions during Certificate Issuance
4.3.2. Notification of Certificate Issuance
4.4. Certificate acceptance
4.4.1. Conduct constituting certificate acceptance
4.4.2. Publication of the certificate by the CA
4.4.3. Notification of certificate issuance by the CA to other entities
4.5. Key pair and certificate usage
4.5.1. Subscriber private key and certificate usage
4.5.2. Relying party public key and certificate usage
4.6. Certificate renewal
4.6.1. Circumstance for certificate renewal
4.6.2. Who may request renewal
4.6.3. Processing certificate renewal requests
4.6.4. Notification of new certificate issuance to subscriber
4.6.5. Conduct constituting acceptance of a renewal certificate
4.6.6. Publication of the renewal certificate by the CA
4.6.7. Notification of certificate issuance by the CA to other entities
4.7. Certificate re-key
4.7.1. Circumstance for certificate re-key
4.7.2. Who may request certification of a new public key
4.7.3. Processing certificate re-keying requests
4.7.4. Notification of new certificate issuance to subscriber
4.7.5. Conduct constituting acceptance of a re-keyed certificate
4.7.6. Publication of the re-keyed certificate by the CA
4.7.7. Notification of certificate issuance by the CA to other entities
4.8. Certificate modification
4.8.1. Circumstance for certificate modification
4.8.2. Who may request certificate modification
4.8.3. Processing certificate modification requests
4.8.4. Notification of new certificate issuance to subscriber
4.8.5. Conduct constituting acceptance of modified certificate
4.8.6. Publication of the modified certificate by the CA
4.8.7. Notification of certificate issuance by the CA to other entities
4.9. Certificate revocation and suspension
4.9.1. Circumstances for Revocation
4.9.2. Who Can Request Revocation
4.9.3. Procedure for Revocation Request
4.9.4. Revocation Request Grace Period
4.9.5. Time within which CA Must Process the Revocation Request
4.9.6. Revocation Checking Requirement for Relying Parties
4.9.7. CRL Issuance Frequency
4.9.8. Maximum Latency for CRLs
4.9.9. On-line Revocation/Status Checking Availability
4.9.10. On-line Revocation Checking Requirements
4.9.11. Other Forms of Revocation Advertisements Available
4.9.12. Special Requirements Related to Key Compromise
4.9.13. Circumstances for Suspension
4.9.14. Who Can Request Suspension
4.9.15. Procedure for Suspension Request
4.9.16. Limits on Suspension Period
4.10. Certificate status services
4.10.1. Operational Characteristics
4.10.2. Service Availability
4.10.3. Optional Features
4.11. End of subscription
4.12. Key escrow and recovery
4.12.1. Key escrow and recovery policy and practices
4.12.2. Session key encapsulation and recovery policy and practices

4.7.3. Процес обробкі запитів на перевипуск

Ніяких умов. 

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