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Правила EV SSL сертификатов
1. Scope (6)
2. Purpose (6)
2.1 Purpose of EV Certificates (6)
2.1 Purpose of EV Certificates (6)
2.1.1 Primary Purposes (6)
2.1.2 Secondary Purposes (6)
2.1.3 Excluded Purposes (7)
3. References (7)
4. Definitions (7)
5. Abbreviations and Acronyms (10)
6. Conventions (11)
7. Certificate Warranties and Representations (11)
7.1 EV Certificate Warranties (11)
7.2 By the Applicant (12)
8. Community and Applicability (12)
8.1 Issuance of EV Certificates (12)
8.2 EV Policies (12)
8.2.1 Implementation (12)
8.2.2 Disclosure (12)
8.3 Commitment to Comply with Recommendations (12)
8.4 Insurance (12)
8.5 Obtaining EV Certificates (13)
8.5.1 General (13)
8.5.2 Private Organization Subjects (13)
8.5.3 Government Entity Subjects (13)
8.5.4 Business Entity Subjects (13)
8.5.5 Non-Commercial Entity Subjects (14)
9. EV Certificate Content and Profile (14)
9.1 Issuer Information (14)
9.2 Subject Information (14)
9.2.1 Subject Organization Name Field (14)
9.2.2 Subject Alternative Name Extension (15)
9.2.3 Subject Common Name Field (15)
9.2.4 Subject Business Category Field (15)
9.2.5 Subject Jurisdiction of Incorporation or Registration Field (15)
9.2.6 Subject Registration Number Field (16)
9.2.7 Subject Physical Address of Place of Business Field (16)
9.2.8 Other Subject Attributes (16)
9.3 Certificate Policy Identification (17)
9.3.1 EV Certificate Policy Identification Requirements (17)
9.3.2 EV Subscriber Certificates (17)
9.3.3 Root CA Certificates (17)
9.3.4 EV Subordinate CA Certificates (17)
9.3.5 Subscriber Certificates (17)
9.4 Maximum Validity Period For EV Certificate (17)
9.5 Subscriber Public Key (17)
9.6 Certificate Serial Number (17)
9.7 Additional Technical Requirements for EV Certificates (17)
10. EV Certificate Request Requirements (18)
10.1 General Requirements (18)
10.1.1 Documentation Requirements (18)
10.1.2 Role Requirements (18)
10.2 EV Certificate Request Requirements (18)
10.3 Requirements for Subscriber Agreement and Terms of Use (19)
11. Verification Requirements (19)
11.1 General Overview (19)
11.1.1 Verification Requirements - Overview (19)
11.1.2 Acceptable Methods of Verification Overview (19)
11.2 Verification of Applicant’s Legal Existence and Identity (19)
11.2.1 Verification Requirements (19)
11.2.2 Acceptable Method of Verification (20)
11.3 Verification of Applicant’s Legal Existence and Identity - Assumed Name (22)
11.3.1 Verification Requirements (22)
11.3.2 Acceptable Method of Verification (23)
11.4 Verification of Applicant’s Physical Existence (23)
11.4.1 Address of Applicant’s Place of Business (23)
11.4.2 Telephone Number for Applicant’s Place of Business (24)
11.5 Verification of Applicant’s Operational Existence (24)
11.5.1 Verification Requirements (24)
11.5.2 Acceptable Methods of Verification (24)
11.6 Verification of Applicant’s Domain Name (24)
11.6.1 Verification Requirements (24)
11.6.2 Acceptable Methods of Verification (25)
11.7 Verification of Name, Title, and Authority of Contract Signer and Certificate Approver (26)
11.7.1 Verification Requirements (26)
11.7.2 Acceptable Methods of Verification Name, Title and Agency (26)
11.7.3 Acceptable Methods of Verification Authority (27)
11.7.4 Pre-Authorized Certificate Approver (28)
11.8 Verification of Signature on Subscriber Agreement and EV Certificate Requests (28)
11.8.1 Verification Requirements (28)
11.8.2 Acceptable Methods of Signature Verification (29)
11.9 Verification of Approval of EV Certificate Request (29)
11.9.1 Verification Requirements (29)
11.9.2 Acceptable Methods of Verification (29)
11.10 Verification of Certain Information Sources (29)
11.10.1 Verified Legal Opinion (29)
11.10.2 Verified Accountant Letter (30)
11.10.3 Face-to-Face Validation (31)
11.10.4 Independent Confirmation From Applicant (31)
11.10.5 Qualified Independent Information Source (33)
11.10.6 Qualified Government Information Source (33)
11.10.7 Qualified Government Tax Information Source (33)
11.11 Other Verification Requirements (33)
11.11.1 High Risk Status (33)
11.11.2 Denied Lists and Other Legal Black Lists (33)
11.11.3 Parent/Subsidiary/Affiliate Relationship (34)
11.12 Final Cross-Correlation and Due Diligence (34)
11.13 Requirements for Re-use of Existing Documentation (35)
11.13.1 For Validated Data (35)
11.13.2 Validation for Existing Subscribers (36)
11.13.3 Exceptions (36)
11.13.4 Validation of Re-issuance Requests (36)
12. Certificate Issuance by a Root CA (36)
13. Certificate Revocation and Status Checking (37)
14. Employee and third party issues (37)
14.1 Trustworthiness and Competence (37)
14.1.1 Identity and Background Verification (37)
14.1.2 Training and Skills Level (37)
14.1.3 Separation of Duties (37)
14.2 Delegation of Functions to Registration Authorities and Subcontractors (38)
14.2.1 General (38)
14.2.2 Enterprise RAs (38)
14.2.3 Guidelines Compliance Obligation (38)
14.2.4 Allocation of Liability (38)
15. Data Records (38)
16. Data Security (38)
17. Audit (39)
17.1 Eligible Aud it Schemes (39)
17.2 Audit Period (39)
17.3 Audit Record (39)
17.4 Pre-Issuance Readiness Audit (39)
17.5 Regular Self Audits (39)
17.6 Auditor Qualification (39)
17.7 Root CA Key Pair Generation (40)
18. Liability and Indemnification (40)
Appendix A - User Agent Verification (Normative) (41)
Appendix B - Sample Legal Opinion Confirming Specified Information (Informative) (42)
Appendix C - Sample Accountant Letters Confirming Specified Information (Informative) (44)
Appendix D - Country-Specific Interpretative Guidelines (Normative) (48)
Appendix E - Sample Contract Signer's Representation/Warranty (Informative) (50)

Руководство по выпуску и управлению EV SSL сертификатов с расширенной валидацией

Appendix D - Country-Specific Interpretative Guidelines (Normative)

NOTE: This appendix provides alternative interpretations of the EV Guidelines for countries that have a language, cultural, technical, or legal reason for deviating from a strict interpretation of the EV Guidelines. More specific information for particular countries may be added to this appendix in the future.

1. Organization Names

(1) Non-Latin Organization Name

Where an EV Applicant’s organization name is not registered with a QGIS in Latin characters and the Applicant’s foreign character organization name and registration have been verified with a QGIS in accordance with these Guidelines, a CA MAY include a Latin character organization name in the EV Certificate. In such a case, the CA MUST follow the procedures laid down in this section.

(2) Romanized Names

In order to include a transliteration/Romanization of the registered name, the Romanization MUST be verified by the CA using a system officially recognized by the Government in the Applicant’s Jurisdiction of Incorporation.

If the CA can not rely on a transliteration/Romanization of the registered name using a system officially recognized by the Government in the Applicant’s Jurisdiction of Incorporation, then it MUST rely on one of the options below, in order of preference:
(A) A system recognized by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO);
(B) A system recognized by the United Nations; or
(C) A Lawyer’s Opinion or Accountant’s Letter confirming the proper Romanization of the registered name.

(3) Translated Name

In order to include a Latin character name in the EV certificate that is not a direct Romanization of the registered name (e.g. an English Name) the CA MUST verify that the Latin character name is:
(A) Included in the Articles of Incorporation (or equivalent document) filed as part of the organization registration; or
(B) Recognized by a QTIS in the Applicant’s Jurisdiction of Incorporation as the Applicant’s recognized name for tax filings; or
(C) Confirmed with a QIIS to be the name associated with the registered organization; or
(D) Confirmed by a Verified Legal Opinion or Accountant’s Letter to be a translated trading name associated with the registered organization.

Country-Specific Procedures

F-1. Japan

As interpretation of the procedures set out above:

1. Organization Names
(A) The Revised Hepburn method of Romanization, as well as Kunrei-shiki and Nihon-shiki methods described in ISO 3602, are acceptable for Japanese Romanizations.
(B) The CA MAY verify the Romanized transliteration, language translation (e.g. English name), or other recognized Roman-letter substitute of the Applicant’s formal legal name with either a QIIS, Verified Legal Opinion, or Verified Accountant Letter.
(C) The CA MAY use the Financial Services Agency to verify a Romanized, translated, or other recognized Roman-letter substitute name. When used, the CA MUST verify that the translated English is recorded in the audited Financial Statements.
(D) When relying on Articles of Incorporation to verify a Romanized, translated, or other recognized Roman-letter substitute name, the Articles of Incorporation MUST be accompanied either: by a document, signed with the original Japanese Corporate Stamp, that proves that the Articles of Incorporation are authentic and current, or by a Verified Legal Opinion or a Verified Accountant Letter. The CA MUST verify the authenticity of the Corporate Stamp.
(E) A Romanized, translated, or other recognized Roman-lettered substitute name confirmed in accordance with this Appendix D stored in the ROBINS database operated by JIPDEC MAY be relied upon by a CA for determining the allowed organization name during any issuance or renewal process of an EV Certificate without the need to re-perform the above procedures.

2. Accounting Practitioner

In Japan:
(A) Accounting Practitioner includes either a certified public accountant (公認会計士 - Konin-kaikei-shi) or a licensed tax accountant (税理士 – Zei-ri-shi).
(B) The CA MUST verify the professional status of the Accounting Practitioner through direct contact with the relevant local member association that is affiliated with either the Japanese Institute of Certified Public Accountants (http://www.hp.jicpa.or.jp), the Japan Federation of Certified Tax Accountant’s Associations (http://www.nichizeiren.or.jp), or any other authoritative source recognized by the Japanese Ministry of Finance (http://www.mof.go.jp) as providing the current registration status of such professionals.

3. Legal Practitioner

In Japan:
(A) Legal Practitioner includes any of the following:
a licensed lawyer (弁護士 - Ben-go-shi),
a judicial scrivener (司法書士 - Shiho-sho-shi lawyer), an administrative solicitor (行政書士 - Gyosei-sho-shi Lawyer), or a notary public (公証人 - Ko-sho-nin).
For purposes of the EV Guidelines, a Japanese Notary Public is considered equivalent to a Latin Notary.
(B) The CA MUST verify the professional status of the Legal Practitioner by direct contact through the relevant local member association that is affiliated with one of the following national associations:
the Japan Federation of Bar Associations (http://www.nichibenren.or.jp),
the Japan Federation of Shiho-Shoshi Lawyer’s Associations (http://www.shiho-shoshi.or.jp),
the Japan Federation of Administrative Solicitors (http://www.gyosei.or.jp),
the Japan National Notaries Association (http://www.koshonin.gr.jp), or
any other authoritative source recognized by the Japanese Ministry of Justice (http://www.moj.go.jp) as providing the current registration status of such professionals. 

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